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Almine Rech

Sylvie Fleury Aranya plein air art project

Aranya is pleased to present the inaugural Aranya Plein Air Art Project (APA), which includes works by 21 Chinese and international contemporary artists who dialogue with nature in the valley of Aranya · Jin Shan Ling. APA 2023 features new commissions by 9 participating artists, and is open to the public from July 7 through October 29, 2023.

Literally translated from French as "full of air," "plein air" is a poetic expression of the concept of the "outdoors." The artistic technique of working "en plein air" was popularized in the 19th century, and practitioners advocated painting outdoors and leaving the world of the indoor studio behind. As a technique, it enabled pioneering developments in the French schools of Naturalism and Impressionism, revolutionizing centuries of painting traditions and celebrating the artist's practice of working with and in nature. Nature has become an important motif for generations of artists and continues to serve as a muse, object of inquiry, and even collaborative partner for many contemporary artists.

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