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Almine Rech

With My Eyes 60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale Di Venezia

Claire Tabouret is part of With My Eyes, on the occasion of La Biennale di Venezia, at the Women's Detention Center in Venice-Giudecca, Italy. 

The Holy See Pavilion stands out as an unprecedented and unique reality at La Biennale di Venezia thanks to the ground-breaking idea of opening the Women's Detention Centre Venezia-Giudecca to visitors and art. This pavilion will create a space for discussions on art, poetry, humanity and caring.

Titled, With My Eyes, the Holy See Pavilion, curated by Chiara Parisi and Bruno Racine, draws inspiration from a fragment of Elizabethan poetry that echoes an ancient sacred text. "I do not love you with my eyes" (Shakespeare, Sonnet 141) resonates with verses 42.5 from the Book of Job, " my eye has seen you ". The aim is to bring about a cross-fertilization of the senses, an experience where visitors can really see using their gaze to touch and to envelop things. They can thereby hopefully engage in a conversation between sight and a tactile perception.

Claire Tabouret’s Pavilion Project
Claire Tabouret crafts portraits of inmates as children and of their younger loved ones.
Each portrait is a reminder of dignity, identity and beauty: art becomes a vehicle for personal rediscovery, a way to see themselves through a different lens, celebrating their uniqueness. The portraits, inspired by real photographs provided by the female inmates, arise as symbols of rediscovery and reappropriation of the self, and will be installed in a large picture gallery, hosted in the room adjacent to the Chapel.

Press release

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Selected artworks

  • Claire Tabouret,                                      Ninoska, Carla, e Micael con Mamma Luciana, 2024

    Claire Tabouret Ninoska, Carla, e Micael con Mamma Luciana, 2024

    Acrylic and ink on paper

    56.5 x 75.5 cm
    22 x 29 1/2 in

  • Claire Tabouret,                                      Manuela e Mamma Rosalba, 2024

    Claire Tabouret Manuela e Mamma Rosalba, 2024

    Acrylic and ink on paper

    60 x 57 cm
    23 1/2 x 22 1/2 in

  • Claire Tabouret,                                      Emily, nipote di Anna Zuppa, 2024

    Claire Tabouret Emily, nipote di Anna Zuppa, 2024

    Acrylic and ink on paper

    30.5 x 28 cm
    12 x 11 in

  • Claire Tabouret,                                      Omar, figlio di Susanna, 2024

    Claire Tabouret Omar, figlio di Susanna, 2024

    Acrylic and ink on paper

    15 x 19 cm
    6 x 7 1/2 in