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Almine Rech

Szabolcs Bozó 'Faces Instead Of Names' Palazzo Cavanis, Venice

Jul 14 — Sep 24, 2023 | Venice

Opening Reception
Friday, July 14, 2023 from 6 pm to 9 pm

Palazzo Cavanis
Dorsoduro 920, 30123 Venice
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Szabolcs Bozó’s happy creatures never really look straight at you. Too wrapped up in their own world, they turn their iris-less pupils towards each other, smiling and grinning openly. If they don’t have mouths—as is the case for many of them—they stare with an expression of benign anticipation. And if there’s the vaguest sense that something might not be right—the shadow of a frown, a glance tinged with a hint of anxiety—it is swept away in the generalized euphoria generated by a creature’s many companions; often piled high one atop the other, or wobbling up against each other, or all squished into the confines of a cartoon car (or helicopter), ready to fly off to yet more happiness.

Bozó’s characters exude positivity. In an interview, the artist mentions that the initial inspiration for his characters was the everyday experience of working in a restaurant, using a ‘Henry’ vacuum cleaner. These barrel-shaped pull-along appliances are known for their smiley faces: two hopeful upturned eyes printed above the hose outlet, which we involuntarily anthropomorphize into a nose; a vacuum cleaner that’s always happy to help. What we are projecting, of course, is a fantasy of presence. Although, as Bozó notes in interviews, his characters recall characters from the old TV cartoon animations of his childhood in Hungary, everyone can relate; cartoon culture is common to all of us who have grown up in a visual culture of print and screen, between childhood storybooks and the grown-up (but increasingly childlike) styling of online graphics.

— J.J. Charlesworth

Press release

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Selected artworks

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Hivatlan vendégek (Uninvited Guests), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Hivatlan vendégek (Uninvited Guests), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and sand on canvas
    180 x 200 x 4.5 cm
    71 x 78 1/2 x 2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Éjszakai úszás (Night Swim), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Éjszakai úszás (Night Swim), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and sand on canvas
    180 x 160 x 4.5 cm
    71 x 63 x 2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Vontatóhajók pilótái a Dunán (Tugboat Pilots on the Danube), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Vontatóhajók pilótái a Dunán (Tugboat Pilots on the Danube), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and sand on canvas
    180 x 160 x 4.5 cm
    71 x 63 x 2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Bújócska (Hide and Seek), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Bújócska (Hide and Seek), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and sand on canvas
    180 x 200 x 4.5 cm
    71 x 78 1/2 x 2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Menekülés a szökőkútbol (Fountain Escape), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Menekülés a szökőkútbol (Fountain Escape), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and sand on canvas
    180 x 200 x 4.5 cm
    71 x 78 1/2 x 2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Székfoglalós (Musical Chairs), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Székfoglalós (Musical Chairs), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and sand on canvas
    180 x 200 x 4.5 cm
    71 x 78 1/2 x 2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Az udvari bolond (The Jester), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Az udvari bolond (The Jester), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, oil stick, spray paint and sand on canvas
    165 x 135 x 4.5 cm
    65 x 53 x 2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Átjáró (Passage), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Átjáró (Passage), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, spray paint and sand on canvas
    40 x 50 cm
    16 x 19 1/2 in

  • Szabolcs Bozó,                                      Pillantás (Glance), 2023

    Szabolcs Bozó Pillantás (Glance), 2023

    Oil, acrylic, and oil stick on canvas
    49 x 60.5 cm
    19 1/2 x 24 in