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Almine Rech

Decay: An Ode to the Impermanent

Falling, crumbling, rotting and decomposing so as to grow. What are the ethics we bring to concepts of preservation and decay? We nourish and flourish through embracing the discomfort of decay. Decay as the fruitful ground upon which we stand. The ongoing process of decay, of rebuilding and blossoming. Matter changes, time changes. We embrace the discomfort of the unknown and the experiment, and observe what grows. Death not as the end but rather as the precursor of life. Through this notion of decay, we want to reimagine and reorient the institution. Decay in this respect could provoke discomfort, but it is precisely this feeling of discomfort that we wish to encourage people to become more comfortable with.

"why decay ? 
A state or 
A process of decomposition to a statement of hope or desire
From the darker side of our sentiments there will be a new beautiful melody
From destruction we can a built a new emotions. 
From tragedy there will be certain kind of perfection. 
À partir d’une perte il y a toujours des retrouvailles
Inside absence there is always a presence 

To confirm all of those declamations perfume is the medium. 
Perfume comes from the process of decomposition
And from this decay we can create new fantasies. 
Rano maso rano masina rano manitra. 

10 paintings 
61 days 
61 fragrances 
1 space 

At the beginning each painting will be almost virgin. Black lines on the new playground. 
Everyday each painting will be sprayed with one perfume chosen from the library of fragrances. 
The idea is to create from the decomposition of the perfume and the painting a new visual aspect of hopes and desires.
The audience will deal with the evolution of all the installation and 
Again from dirt we can create beauty and from decay we can built peace. "

— Joël Andrianomearisoa 

Press release

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