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Almine Rech

Flatland/Abstractions Narratives #2

Oct 7, 2017 — Apr 15, 2018 | MUDAM, Luxemburg

‘Flatland /Narrative Abstractions #2’, the first part of which was presented at the MRAC Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée in Sérignan in 2016, brings together some twenty contemporary artists who doubly echo Edwin Abbott’s book: on the one hand, because they compose narratives from abstract forms; on the other hand, because by collating the notions of “abstraction” and “narration”, they may be considered heretical from the point of view of a certain history of art. Indeed, inseparable as it is from artistic modernity, abstraction has largely been based on the rejection of narration and symbolism in the field of visual art. To associate “abstraction” and “narration” could at first be seen as a contradiction in terms, an impossibility, even though this is questioned in a large number of contemporary productions.

Press release

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